
REVIVE YOUR HEALING POWER: Spend four weeks at the Riosbo Research Center and attend 11 ceremonies led by a Shipibo maestro. Get the deepest personalized healing treatment program possible with dozens of plant treatments and cleanses. Learn the Shipibo tradition and do a BOBINSANA DIETA. Integrative practices like yoga, meditation, and breathwork help to guide your own personal process to fully empower yourself as a healer.

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Date Program Spaces Left
April 14 – May 11, 2024 Four Week Ayahuasca Healing Empowerment Course – $5150 7
October 13 – November 9, 2024 Four Week Ayahuasca Healing Empowerment Course – $5150 7
January 19 – February 15, 2025 Four Week Ayahuasca Healing Empowerment Course – $5150 10
July 13 – August 9, 2025 Four Week Ayahuasca Healing Empowerment Course – $5150 12

Ayahuasca Healing Empowerment Course 


Our most comprehensive healing program is a four week Healing Empowerment Course, a program designed to provide the right tools to take your healing process into your own hands.

Course participants spend 4 weeks at the Riosbo Ayahuasca Research Center (plus 2 days in Iquitos) and attend up to 11 ayahuasca ceremonies led by a Shipibo maestro and our assistant healers.  Participants can also do a plant dieta with Bobinsana.  We have discovered after ten years of offering retreats and educational courses that the more a person can engage and participate in the healing process, the higher the potential for healing benefits. This healing course is the culmination of our developments in offering the optimal opportunity for healing on all levels.
By providing a deep understanding of the methodologies and practices of healing with plant spirits and consciousness enhancement, we feel confident that this course will create a new path of empowerment for each participant to become his/her own healer.  In addition to the ayahuasca ceremonies, participants also receive personalized treatments and practice integrative techniques that enhance the power of the plant medicines by cleansing and purifying the inner environment of perceptions, beliefs, and subconscious messaging.
By blending the sacred ancestral traditions with modern discoveries in holistic health, the healing empowerment course allows you to truly replant your spirit.

Ayahuasca Ceremony

Ayahuasca ceremonies have a unique quality to provide the power to play an active role in the healing process and this course teaches principles and methods to enhance that power. Complementary traditions will also be taught to further enhance the ability to regain and maintain health and happiness on all levels.  Ultimately, we all walk our own paths, we all live our own lives, and we can all take responsibility for how we react to our environments and experiences.

Bobinsana Dieta

The opportunity to do a plant dieta with Bobinsana takes this course to another level.  Plant Dietas allow participants to form deep and lasting relationships with powerful spirits that continue to guide them for the rest of their lives.  It is through plant dietas that students become curanderos.  Learning specific icaros to communicate with these plant spirits while developing close relationships with them is a central part of the empowerment course.

The way we react to our experiences determines how we interpret our perceptions.  By learning to connect with spirit guides and plant allies, understand our true nature, and forgive and love ourselves completely, we create the optimal environment for health and happiness to grow and blossom in our lives.  That is the purpose of the healing empowerment course. During these courses, participants receive numerous medicinal plant treatments according to the Shipibo healing treadition and the prescription of the Shipibo curandero, don Ronor. Don Ronor also teaches various aspects of the Shipibo tradition, like the use of mapachos and agua florida, healing songs called icaros, techniques like soplando y chupando, and recipes for specific plant based remedies.
The assistant healers describe each treatment, its purpose and effect, translate each discussion and workshop, and lead the integrative practices in between the ayahuasca ceremonies. Together, the Ayahuasca Foundation’s staff provides a complete holistic healing experience combined with an in depth education on Shipibo plant medicine and personal health and happiness.  We feel strongly that this course represents the future of medicine, where we all accept and embrace our role as our own healer and the leader of our own healing process.

Integrative Health Practices

ayahuasca foundation riosbo ayahuasca research center healing empowerment course malocaGuided Meditation: one of the most effective methods for mental discipline and focus, meditation is a practice that demonstrates the true power of the consciousness and its influence on our lives. With guidance in particular thought paths and perspective, inner environments can be upgraded to nourish the healing process.

Yoga: perhaps the most well known practice to increase flexibility and improve posture, yoga also provides the benefits of protecting the body from disease, reducing pain, and calming the mind.  By better bridging the voluntary and involuntary actions of the body and mind, consciousness can play a larger role in guiding life processes.

Life Coaching: creating intentional change in life helps with knowing who you are and discovering the fullest potential for yourself. Discover new perspectives about yourself, and design your own best ways of living, with inquiry processes and guiding frameworks for an integrative understanding personal choices and life transitions.

Healing Benefits

Participants will have natural plant treatments and therapies every day of this course, accompanied by workshops and discussions covering a wide variety of topics within the Shipibo healing tradition as well as cutting edge integrative practices from other cultures around the world.  After four weeks in the jungle, eleven ayahuasca ceremonies, numerous plant treatments, and a progressive series of workshops, lectures, discussions and activities that demonstrate the path to healing empowerment, participants return to Iquitos feeling refreshed and ready to take their health and life in their own hands.
Once participants return to Iquitos, they will have time to decompress and process their experiences in the jungle, and to enjoy the beauty and culture of the Amazon Rainforest. Our staff will assist with travel plans, shopping trips, advice, and anything else we can provide to make the experience more beneficial.  We continue to stay in contact with all of our retreat participants via email and social media to provide further support and guidance after the program.

Shipibo Maestro don Ronor

Curandero, Teacher, Course Leader
ayahuasca foundation don ronor shipibo maestro curandero peruThis healing retreat and course is led by the Shipibo curandero don Ronor Lopez.  Don Ronor is one of two brothers who work with the Ayahuasca Foundation.  He assisted his older brother, don Enrique, with the initiation courses held at our plant medicine school for several years.  He has a passion for teaching and an insatiable curiosity to learn more and more about ayahuasca and plant medicine.  He learned to lead ayahuasca ceremonies from his grandfather, an ayahuasquero, and continues to learn about plant remedies and treatments from his father, don Marcos, who often visits our centers to contribute his knowledge and energy.
One of the most common observations program participants make about don Ronor is that he is a very happy and humble person.  His sense of humor has a way of lightening people’s moods even during difficult and challenges times in the healing process.  He always seems to have a smile and a motivating energy.  He is ready at a moment’s notice to give any level of attention or care required to anyone in need.  While he likes to joke around, his knowledge and expertise is at the highest level and his work reflects that.
We feel so fortunate to have don Ronor on our staff as our teacher, mentor, and friend.  He is a father of two young children with his wife, Monica, and his family is truly adorable.  His philosophy on healing is that when friendships are formed, trust is strengthened and love flows through from nature to us.  Essentially, we are all part of nature, and his practice with plant medicine and ayahuasca is simply removing the obstacles that prevent that realization and connection so that nature, the Earth, God, can take care of us.  Becoming our own healers is coming to that realization and living it in our daily lives.  We are cells in the body of the Earth and the earth will always provide.


Cost of the Healing Empowerment Course: US$5,850

The $5,850 price includes:


11 traditional Ayahuasca Ceremonies

Led by an indigenous curandero and the AF assistants
1 Plant Dieta with a powerful teacher plant
Connect with a true plant spirit ally for guidance
Private consultations with the curandero
Translated by the assistant healers
8 Vapor Baths with five medicinal plants
Sweat out toxins and replace them with healing medicine
6 Plant Baths 
Absorb healing aroma therapeutic plant medicines
1 Sangre de Grado digestive system cleanse
Reset digestive enzymes and enhance nutrient absorption
1 Chiric Sanango nervous system cleanse
Boost the immune system and release emotional blockages
1 Mucura sinus cleanse
cleanse the sinuses and boost immunity against allergies
2 Smoke Baths
Increase energetic defenses and protection from negativity
2 Love Baths
For attracting positive energy, good luck, and love
Any additional treatments
Poultices, medicines, massage, or whatever is needed


Pre-program counseling session with
Gain insights into how best to prepare for the experience
Airport pickup
You’ll be met at the Iquitos airport and brought to the hotel
Accommodations for two nights at a hotel in Iquitos
The first and last nights of the retreat – hotel has pool, wi-fi
Accommodations for 26 nights at the Riosbo Center
Private rooms with en suite bathrooms and electricity
Transportation to and from the Riosbo Center
Air conditioned bus (1hr) and an amazing boat ride (1hr)
At least two meals a day, following a healing diet
Fruit, vegetables, quinoa, lentils, grilled fish, eggs, etc.
Translation of entire program when needed
Assistants also add their own experiences and teachings
Access to the Assistants for counseling/guidance
4 assistants will be available throughout the retreat
USB of retreat photos and ceremony recordings
Audio recordings of ceremonies and digital photos
Other gifts and educational items
You’ll receive other gifts and healing tools as well
Post-program counseling session
Enhance the process of integration when you get home

An Example Itinerary for this Healing Retreat and Course:

A Daily Schedule of Workshops, Lectures, and Activities in this healing retreat and course: The content of each healing retreat and course is guided by the plant spirits and catered to the specific group of students participating in that course. Therefore, it is difficult to provide an accurate timeline or schedule. Below is an example of what took place during a previous healing retreat and course, to demonstrate the amount and variety of content covered.

SUNDAY: Arrive to Iquitos at least one day early.  Go to Riosbo center and settle in. Meeting with group in the afternoon.
MONDAY: Wake up with a yoga class, breakfast, then a discussion on ceremony procedure. CEREMONY #1
TUESDAY: Digestive system cleanse with Sangre de Grado. Private consultations with the curandero. Plant remedies.
WEDNESDAY: Mapacho and agua florida soplaying workshop. Introduction to mindfulness meditation. CEREMONY #2
THURSDAY: Sharing Circles will take place the day after every ceremony.  Vapor baths begin.  Icaro workshop.
FRIDAY: Vapor baths continue.  Plant remedies continue.  Icaros practice and ceremony preparation.  .  CEREMONY #3
SATURDAY: Vapor baths continue. Sharing circle. Purgative treatment.  Review of first weeks lessons and workshops.

SUNDAY: Vapor baths continue. Rest and relaxation.
MONDAY: Vapor baths continue.  Guided meditation. CEREMONY #4
TUESDAY: Vapor baths continue.  Mud baths on the river banks.  Treatments continue.
WEDNESDAY: Vapor baths end. Treatments continue.  Guided meditation CEREMONY #5
THURSDAY: Nervous System Cleanse with Chiric Sanango. Dieta Discussion.
FRIDAY: Preparation for Bobinsana dieta.  Dieta begins in the afternoon. CEREMONY #6
SATURDAY: First day of fast for the Bobinsana dieta. Silence is observed.

SUNDAY: Fast and silence continues.  Inward connection.  Icaro workshop.
MONDAY: Smoke baths begin.  Icaros workshop and guided meditation. CEREMONY #7
TUESDAY: Sharing circle. Smoke Baths continue. Day of rest and relaxation.
WEDNESDAY: Plant Baths begin.  Dieta and Treatments continue. CEREMONY #8
THURSDAY: Sharing circle. Plant baths continue. Icaros workshop.
FRIDAY: Plant baths continue.  Guided meditation. CEREMONY #9
SATURDAY: Sharing circle. Take a hike into the deep jungle.  Language of the plants lecture.

SUNDAY: Personal work on areas that need attention. Meditation.
MONDAY: Love baths begin. Dieta ends. CEREMONY #10
TUESDAY: Sharing circle. Love baths continue.  Gratitude workshop.
WEDNESDAY: Treatment ends. Receive protective arcanas. CEREMONY #11
THURSDAY: Review with curandero and assistant healers.
FRIDAY: Head back to town and spend the night in Iquitos. Do some shopping, enjoy the town.
SATURDAY: Meet for breakfast. Receive USBs. Say your goodbyes…

Each healing retreat and course is different and the itinerary is subject to change according to the flow of the course. Daily routines that include meditation, yoga, massage, counseling, or other disciplines will be offered. The plants used in the dietas, baths, vapor baths, and remedies are all subject to change for each course. Material may be added or changed, and the order of workshops and discussions may also change for any particular course. We continue to improve the healing retreat and course each time, so the changes may not yet be reflected on the website.


April 14 – May 11, 2024, October 13 – November 9, 2024, January 19 – February 15, 2025, July 13 – August 9, 2025